Category: Education


A Brandon University student is hanging a unique portrait of Newfoundland puffins after her caption was selected in an interactive art show at BU’s Curve Gallery.

The show featured portraits of Atlantic Puffins — colourfully beaked birds with engaging personalities — and invited viewers to suggest their proposed tag lines for the varied and often silly poses that the puffins were captured in. Some may think of the project as similar to making memes; older attendees may have been reminded of a New Yorker cartoon caption contest.


The remarkable service records of nearly 50 Brandon University employees were celebrated during a ceremony on Thursday.

The annual Long Service Employee Recognition Event honours staff and faculty members who have reached five-year milestones of 10 years or more in their BU careers.


Self-Regulated Learning and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: An Integrated Approach to Fostering All Learner’s Engagement and Motivation by Dr. Aloysius C. Anyichie, a leading expert in educational psychology from Brandon University, is now available through Lexington Books.


The first day of Brandon University’s Spring Convocation celebrated graduates from the Faculties of Science and Education, as well as from the School of Music.

In today’s morning ceremony, nearly 90 Science grads and nearly 40 Music grads received their degrees, followed by nearly 190 Education degrees bestowed in the afternoon ceremony.