Category: Student Services


The Indigenous Peoples’ Centre (IPC) team at Brandon University(BU) is planning an event to raise awareness of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2 Spirit people (MMIWG2S). In recognition of the National Day of Awareness for MMIWG2S, the IPC team will host a fire at and guest speakers at the Ceremonial Fire Pit in the Kanvanagh Courtyard, beginning at 11 a.m.


A week of events, including movies, music, art and discussions, are being planned to mark Truth and Reconciliation Week at Brandon University (BU).

The week is a time to reflect on the harm done by Canada’s residential school system, as well as to learn about Indigenous perspectives, culture and history.

As the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation approaches on Thursday, Brandon University (BU) is welcoming all to gather, listen and learn about Indigenous culture and the harmful history of Canada’s residential schools.
Most campus services will be closed on Thursday, but BU encourages everyone to take time for reflection on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and to participate in community events.