Category: Faculty of Science

Brandon University (BU) students are choosing to challenge inequality to mark International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8.
International Women’s Day will kick off Women’s Week at BU as the university’s Status of Women Review Committee (SWRC) recognizes 17 outstanding female students as nominated by faculty and staff members. Profiles of the students appear on the BU website at BrandonU.

Work by Brandon University researcher Dr. Michael Charette has been recognized by the Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) in recognition of Rare Disease Day on Sunday, Feb. 28.
Dr. Charette, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, has been working with CHRIM for three years. Dr. Charette and his lab are studying the rare genetic disorder Bowen-Conradi syndrome.

Brandon University’s (BU’s) Department of Geology has an extra reason to celebrate as Provincial Engineering and Geoscience Week in Manitoba approaches from February 28 to March 7.
This year marks 110 years in the study of geoscience at BU. Students in the Geology program learn about the multi-billion-year history of the Earth and its composition, its fascinating tectonic processes, evolution of life, and impacts on society and our daily lives. Everything we use comes from the Earth, and geoscientists work hard to ensure a sustainable, healthy and prosperous future for everyone.

A compilation of images of the contents found in the stomach of the fossilized nodosaur. (Images by David Greenwood, Cathy Greenwood, Jessica Kalyniuk)
The remarkable findings of a research partnership between Brandon University, the University of Saskatchewan and the Royal Tyrrell Musuem have been lauded by CNN as some of 2020’s “most fascinating and awe-inspiring discoveries.

Brandon University (BU) students are battling breast cancer and investigating microplastics pollution with the help of Research Manitoba.
Students Riley Feser and Sachi Villanueva are each receiving $12,000 this year through the Research Manitoba Master’s Studentships Program.

BRANDON – The Brandon University Alumni Association (BUAA) is continuing a tradition for this year’s virtual Homecoming by honouring some outstanding individuals.
Teresa Flannery is the recipient of the Brandon University Alumni Association Award for Exceptional Service.

A special federal fund is supporting a Brandon University (BU) research project examining the impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism industry in southwestern Manitoba.
The researchers have been awarded $16,880 from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) through a special COVID-19 initiative of the Partnership Engage Grants program.

Excess moisture caused by spring flooding or rain storms can damage crops and prevent farmers from getting on their fields. The Rural Development Institute at Brandon University is studying ways to help producers deal with this issue as recently featured by the Brandon Sun.
While Westman producers are still recovering from more than 200 millimetres of rain that covered the region in late June, members of Brandon University’s Rural Development Institute are hard at work trying to figure out the best way to get rid of all this excess moisture.

A Brandon University (BU) project that will enable safer and more secure smart devices is being supported by a $120,000 federal grant.
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has awarded Dr. Gautam Srivastava of BU’s Department of Mathematics and Computer Science a five-year Discovery Grant to lead the five-year project.