Author: Rob Henderson

The nutritional value of the fish that we eat will be examined by Brandon University (BU) researcher Dr. Barry Madison with support from the federal Discovery Research Programs.
Dr. Madison has been awarded a $145,000 Discovery Grant, plus a $12,500 Discovery Launch Supplement by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

The work of 10 Brandon University (BU) undergraduate students is being supported by federal funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
The students are recipients of Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs), providing them each with $6,000 from NSERC in addition to $1,500 from BU.
Students receiving the research funding are:

Joshua Broome, Chemistry
Adriano Budzik, Mathematics and Computer Science
Wade Cowie, Physics and Astronomy
Hillary Derewianchuk, Biology
Kimberly Dunthorne, Geography and Environment
Bryce Friesen, Physics and Astronomy
Thomas Friesen, Physics and Astronomy
Keagan Morrison, Biology
Elisha Lisa Tariq, Chemistry
Lacey Winstone, Biology

“Working with their faculty supervisors, our students are participating in first-class research,” said Dr. Bernadette Ardelli, Dean of Science at BU. “These are exciting projects that will help our students develop.

Brandon University (BU) will be the home base for a large group of air cadets as they soar into the city this summer.
Brandon University has been chosen by the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Northwest) to house and feed the cadets during a Cadet Training Centre program that will take place from June 26 to August 20. The agreement will also bring the cadets back to Brandon in 2023, with an option to extend the relationship to be revisited at that time.

Leading up to this week’s Brandon University Convocation ceremonies, BU’s Indigenous graduates were part of a community-wide celebration of student success.
Brandon University partnered with Assiniboine Community College, the Brandon School Division and Sioux Valley High School to present Our Journey, an Indigenous student graduation celebration.

The incredible art of three members of Brandon University’s (BU’s) Class of 2022 will be on exhibition this summer at the Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba (AGSM).
Nicole Brasseur, Carly Morrisseau and Faith Rae will be featured in the joint exhibition Reclaiming Our Narratives, from May 26 to July 16. All three are Bachelor of Fine Arts students in the IshKaabatens Waasa Gaa Inaabateg Department of Visual Art at BU, and the presentation in the AGSM’s Community Gallery is built around their thesis exhibitions.

Four community organizations will benefit from grants from the Gender and Women’s Studies (G&WS) program at Brandon University (BU) this year.
The G&WS program is providing $18,000 in funding through the Margaret Laurence Endowment Fund.