BRANDON, MB – A Brandon University (BU) radio astronomer may soon have the honour of naming a new discovery in the night sky.
Dr. Tyler Foster, Department of Physics and Astronomy, pinpointed what he believes to be the remains of an exploded star, a supernova remnant, during research this past summer at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in BC. He will verify the results later this month with observing time awarded to his group on a radio telescope in Effelsberg, Germany which is 100 meters across and, for decades, was the largest steerable telescope of any kind in the world.
“The object’s temporary name is G181.
Category: Research
BRANDON, MB – Brandon University is involved in a nation-wide study to examine the continuing loss of farmland in Canada and how that affects our country’s global competiveness and food sovereignty.
“In the last 40 years, farmland approximately twice the size of Prince Edward Island has been taken over for urban activities,” says Dr. Doug Ramsey from BU’s Department of Rural Development and member of the research team that will spend the next four years studying agricultural land use planning in Canada.
BRANDON, MB – A top researcher at Brandon University (BU) hoping to cure devastating tropical diseases is getting help from a multi-billion dollar fund established by the co-founder of Microsoft.
Biology professor Dr. Bernadette Ardelli is a co-principal investigator with Dr. Robert Greenberg from Penn State in a project that will study tropical diseases including schistosomiasis and filariasis which, to date, lack effective vaccines.
BRANDON, MB – A Brandon University (BU) history professor has put together a new book about a pre-war invasion in Africa with strong parallels to the colonization of First Nations people in Canada.
Collision of Empires: Italy’s Invasion of Ethiopia and its International Impact, recounts the last great European colonial conquest in Africa in 1935.
BRANDON, MB – A cutting-edge researcher at Brandon University (BU) is collaborating with Japanese scientists to develop new materials which could revolutionize the electronics industry.
Dr. Martin Lemaire spent much of August in Japan on a prestigious fellowship lecture tour sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
BRANDON, MB – A history professor at Brandon University has written a compelling vision of the poor in London in the 19th century, when that city had the largest urban population in the world.
“We know all about the wealthy,” says Dr. Lynn MacKay, “because they have written their history.
BRANDON, MB – Four graduating students from Brandon University (BU) have been awarded federal scholarships, given each year to top-ranking applicants furthering their educations in the sciences, social sciences and the humanities.
In total, $70,000 in scholarships from the Tri-Agency’s Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) will be split among the BU students.
BRANDON, MB – A Brandon University (BU) psychology professor is studying people’s gambling habits, to assist in the development of new programs to help problem gamblers.
Dr. Vance MacLaren is co-investigating with Dr. Michael Ellery from the University of Manitoba in a research project entitled Personality and Motives for Gambling Among Frequent VLT Players.
BRANDON, MB – A Brandon University (BU) professor is researching children’s oral and written language development, with the goal of creating new teaching methods that incorporate cultural factors into Canadian classrooms.
Donna Forsyth, BU Faculty of Education, will work with educators in northern and rural Manitoba school divisions as part of a $2.8 million nation-wide project which brings together the University of Toronto as the lead institution and BU and the University of Saskatchewan as partner institutions to address this important research topic.
BRANDON, MB – Following a nation-wide competition, a trio of Brandon University (BU) researchers has been awarded more than half-a-million dollars in grants to continue their scientific research.
Dr. Martin Lemaire will receive $472,032 to outfit a new laboratory in BU’s Chemistry Department to research molecular spintronic materials, a relatively new field of study.