BRANDON, Man. – An essential record of Manitoba’s agricultural history is being organized through a project at Brandon University’s (BU) S.J. McKee Archives.
Category: Research
BRANDON, Man. — Language barriers and transportation are some of the common challenges for refugees settling in rural Manitoba based on case studies by the Rural Development Institute (RDI) at Brandon University (BU) that looked at five communities.
The case studies were carried out in conjunction with the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) through funding from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.
Peter Morin has won a Hnatyshyn Foundation award for outstanding achievement as an artist.
BRANDON, Man. — Brandon University (BU) professor Peter Morin has won a major Canadian visual arts award.
Dr. Christopher J. Schneider has received the Early-in-Career Award from the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.
BRANDON, Man. – A new mother sees a smile on her baby’s face and smiles back.
Subtle interactions like this are vital to a baby’s development, but can be difficult for mothers with postpartum depression (PPD).
As Brandon University (BU) begins planning for our next few decades of growth and development, we are inviting all members of the community to share their visions of the future of the university, including how they currently use and engage with the campus.
BU is working with consultants who specialize in this type of assessment and long-range planning to develop a Campus Master Plan for the University.
Four researchers have made history at Brandon University (BU), leading the first BU-based projects to earn prestigious Insight Development Grants (IDG).
The IDGs, a program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), were first awarded in 2011.
The deadline is fast approaching for business owners and leaders in southwestern Manitoba to share their experiences through a Rural Development Institute (RDI) survey aimed at strengthening the province’s agri-food industry.
The purpose of the Rural Innovation in Manitoba (RIM) survey is to find the challenges faced by businesses as they grow and expand, as well as what steps they have taken to overcome them.
BRANDON, Man. – Cutting-edge research at Brandon University (BU) has received a huge boost, with the announcement of five new Discovery Grants, worth a total of $660,000 over five years, awarded to members of the Faculty of Science.
The grants, awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), bring the number of Discovery Grant projects led by BU researchers to 9. In each of the previous four years, one member of the Faculty of Science has been awarded a Discovery Grant.
BRANDON, Man. – The relationship between music and community will be examined by a new research institute at Brandon University (BU).
The mission of the Institute for Research in Music and Community (IRMC) is to explore issues such as how communities develop around music, how music emerges from communities, and how communities use music to fulfil their needs.