Category: Music


The 18th annual Da Capo Conference for music educators is returning to Brandon University on Saturday, Jan. 20.

The all-day workshop of professional development opportunities for pre-service and current music educators is organized by BUSMEA, the Brandon University Student Music Educators Association, who are music education students creating professional development opportunities through workshops and other related events.

“BUSMEA is excited to welcome Alexis Silver as the keynote speaker for this year’s conference, who will present a session titled The Value of Teaching with Values,” said Abby Petersen, President of BUSMEA.


A new tool has been launched to help Brandon University (BU) researchers share their expertise with media, industry, government and colleagues.

The Office of Research Services has partnered with Information Technology Services at BU to develop a searchable online list of experts, highlighting their areas of interest as well as their availability for taking inquiries from the media and public or for research collaborations.