Brandon University is encouraging everyone to participate in National Indigenous Peoples Day to celebrate and honour Indigenous peoples and cultures, to learn about Indigenous history, and to engage meaningfully with Indigeneity today.
National Indigenous Peoples Day is Tuesday, June 21 this year, and BU is participating in or hosting a number of events around that time to support the day.
Most of the city’s celebrations are hosted at the Riverbank Discovery Centre, where BU is a sponsor and will have several booths.
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The work of 10 Brandon University (BU) undergraduate students is being supported by federal funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
The students are recipients of Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRAs), providing them each with $6,000 from NSERC in addition to $1,500 from BU.
Students receiving the research funding are:
Joshua Broome, Chemistry
Adriano Budzik, Mathematics and Computer Science
Wade Cowie, Physics and Astronomy
Hillary Derewianchuk, Biology
Kimberly Dunthorne, Geography and Environment
Bryce Friesen, Physics and Astronomy
Thomas Friesen, Physics and Astronomy
Keagan Morrison, Biology
Elisha Lisa Tariq, Chemistry
Lacey Winstone, Biology
“Working with their faculty supervisors, our students are participating in first-class research,” said Dr. Bernadette Ardelli, Dean of Science at BU. “These are exciting projects that will help our students develop.
A pair of Brandon University professors have earned a national award for their new play, called IAP, which follows two members of an Indigenous family from Winnipeg who go through the Independent Assessment Process (IAP) for former Residential School students.
Darrell Racine
Darrell Racine, an Assistant Professor in Native Studies, and Dale Lakevold, an Associate Professor in English, Drama & Creative Writing, received the Best Full-Length Play award in the Theatre BC Canadian National Playwriting Competition 2021.
Exciting research from a Brandon University (BU) scientist is gaining considerable support for its potential to change the way breast cancer is detected.
Dr. Mousumi Majumder is leading a project that has been awarded a $75,000 research grant by the Breast Cancer Society of Canada (BCSC).
With a snip from a pair of oversize scissors, the rainbow ribbon fell away, cheers erupted, and Brandon’s first Pride crosswalk was officially opened at the heart of the Brandon University campus.
Connecting Harvest Hall with the John E. Robbins Library, the crosswalk is located in a highly trafficked, prominent, and very visible area near the heart of campus.
A colourful new Brandon University tradition will soon be proudly displayed in rooms around the world.
Brandon University’s Class of 2022 received a unique new piece of art along with their degree parchments when they crossed the stage at Convocation.
Brandon University (BU) will be the home base for a large group of air cadets as they soar into the city this summer.
Brandon University has been chosen by the Regional Cadet Support Unit (Northwest) to house and feed the cadets during a Cadet Training Centre program that will take place from June 26 to August 20. The agreement will also bring the cadets back to Brandon in 2023, with an option to extend the relationship to be revisited at that time.
Dr. Cameron Boult
Dr. Cameron Boult is conducting research into the divisive discourse that is an emerging trend in our society.
On the final day of Brandon University’s expanded Convocation 2022, this year’s graduates from the Faculties of Health Studies and Arts officially received their degrees. Convocation also welcome back graduates from 2021 and 2020 to a long-delayed in-person celebration.
Leading up to this week’s Brandon University Convocation ceremonies, BU’s Indigenous graduates were part of a community-wide celebration of student success.
Brandon University partnered with Assiniboine Community College, the Brandon School Division and Sioux Valley High School to present Our Journey, an Indigenous student graduation celebration.