Tag: History


The Government of Canada today recognized Chanie Wenjack as a person of national historic significance, sparked by a student’s public history project at Brandon University.

Wenjack was an Anishinaabe boy from Marten Falls First Nation in northern Ontario who lived for three years at the Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School near Kenora.


Sweeping changes in how people used technology were one of the side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, and a new Brandon University research project wants to capture your memories of those changes.

“We’re gathering a base of information about this time period, where some changes have already come and gone, like the practice some people had of washing and sanitizing groceries,” said Sydney Houlihan, a student researcher who is working on the project.

The Department of Geography and Environment at Brandon University (BU) is excited to host the 44th annual conference of the Prairie Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) this week.
The event will take place virtually, on Friday and Saturday.

Brandon University (BU) researchers are studying the opioid crisis, online pricing, and Indigenous traditional knowledge with support from federal Insight Grants announced on Tuesday.
The project leads, Drs. Ariane Hanemaayer, Patricia Harms and Hejun Zhuang will receive a total of more than $275,000 in funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) over the next three years.

Brandon University’s historians are front-and-centre as Manitoba marks 100 years since the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
Brandon University History Professor Jim Naylor is the chair of the committee organizing the Winnipeg General Strike Centenary Conference (WGSCC) this week at the University of Winnipeg, while BU Associate Professor Rhonda Hinther is also a member of the committee.