Brandon University is joining a national campaign to celebrate the positive effects of combining work experience with learning.
The national campaign will run throughout the month of March led by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada, or CEWIL, the lead organization for work-integrated learning in Canada.
Latest News
To bring another successful season to an end, the Brandon University (BU) School of Music’s pro series presents pianist Corey Hamm in two, back-to-back recitals at the Lorne Watson Recital Hall.
Beginning on Tuesday, March 3, the University of British Columbia pianist professor and recording artist will give his interpretation of American composer Frederic Rzewski’s theme and 36 variations, entitled The People United Will Never Be Defeated!
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A new book by Brandon University (BU) professor Dr. Ariane Hanemaayer challenges some of the core foundations of western medicine.
Dr. Hanemaayer, an Assistant Professor in BU’s Department of Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies program, authored The Impossible Clinic: A Critical Sociology of Evidence-Based Medicine.
Brandon University’s Louis Riel Room will now feature a large portrait of its namesake. During local Louis Riel Day celebrations, which were hosted at BU on Monday, Feb. 17, the Manitoba Métis Federation presented a portrait of the famed Métis leader to BU.
The large framed portrait will soon be displayed in the Louis Riel Room, which is adjacent to BU’s main dining hall, Harvest Hall.
BRANDON – To mark this month’s additional day and to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Brandon University (BU) Clarinet Festival, the pro series will present a recital featuring famed clarinetist Franklin Cohen on Saturday, Feb. 29.
Franklin Cohen will perform as part of the Brandon University Clarinet Festival on Saturday, Feb. 29 at the Lorne Watson Recital Hall.
This concert will be Cohen’s premiere performance in the BU School of Music’s pro series.
BRANDON – Montreal’s Les Voix humaines Consort of Viols is the next ensemble to perform in the pro series season.
Founding Les Voix humaines members Margaret Little and Susie Napper are joined in the viol quartet by Mélisande Corriveau and Felix Deak.
From: Western Economic Diversification Canada
News release
Brandon University is upgrading its Micro-analytical facility with the help of the Government of Canada
February 12, 2020 – Brandon, Manitoba – Western Economic Diversification Canada
Brandon University (BU) is the third largest university in Manitoba with an annual enrolment of approximately 3,000 students. It boasts five faculties and three research centres that offer undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and pre-professional programs that prepare students for the future.