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Everyone Eats Brandon, which is brought together in partnership by John Howard Society of Brandon and Brandon University Food Services, is ramping up for Thanksgiving. The popular program, which provides curbside and volunteer delivery meals three evenings a week, is adding extra capacity to provide loads of turkey and all the trimmings this weekend.

Brandon University students, plus faculty and staff, now have access to a new app and online resource for mental wellness known as TAO, or Therapy Assistance Online.
The TAO resources online include more than 150, brief, effective, educational sessions covering 50 common topics and skills related to mental health, wellness and substance abuse issues.

Brandon University will continue to deliver mostly online learning through the Winter Term this year, to help keep the community as safe as possible from the Covid-19 pandemic.
This decision was made yesterday by the BU Senate, and affects courses that are offered from January through April 2021.

Investigating women’s experiences in very masculine environments — heavy metal concerts — should help festival and concert planners provide safer and more inclusive practices in the future.
That’s one aim of Dr. Christopher Schneider’s new research, with Dr. Stacey Hannem of Wilfrid Laurier University, which recently was awarded a significant federal funding grant through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

The 43rd Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition (E-Gré) for the performance of Canadian and contemporary music is pleased to announce its 2020 prize winners:
Brittany Rae
1st Prize
Brittany Rae (with pianist Jesse Plessis)
2nd Prize
Jennifer Routhier (with pianist Natasha Fransblow)
3rd Prize
Virginie Mongeau (with pianist Jesse Plessis)
City of Brandon Prize for the Best Performance of the Commissioned Work
Jennifer Routhier (with pianist Natasha Fransblow)
Finalist Prizes (in alphabetical order)
Rebecca Gray (with pianist Cheryl Duvall)
Jayne Hammond (with pianist Lisa Rumpel)
Sarah Parkin (with pianist Ben Smith)
On September 19 and 20, 2020, six of Canada’s best emerging vocalists performed live-streamed recitals for the 43rd Eckhardt-Gramatté National Music Competition (E-Gré) in Voice. The E-Gré Competition began in 1976 and is the most important annual Canadian and contemporary music competition.