BU, Assiniboine team up for public panel on U.S. election and its international impact

Event poster features images of red stripes at the top and blue stars on the side

November’s presidential election is a divisive topic in the United States, but it’s bringing together Brandon’s post-secondary institutions next week.

Experts from Brandon University and Assiniboine College have put together a panel to discuss the election, and why it matters to you. This free, non-partisan event will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 22 from 7 to 8:30 p.m., in the Gathering Space of the John E. Robbins Library at BU, and everyone is welcome.

Brandon University President and Vice-Chancellor David Docherty will provide insight on the American political dynamics as well as the spillover into Canadian politics. Rick Baker of BU’s Department of Political Science will focus on the impact on Canadian-American relations.

Assiniboine College logo

Veteran journalist Murray Oliver, of Assiniboine’s Media and Communications program, will discuss the current media and information environment, including the role of mis/disinformation in the election. Chris Hunt of the Peters School of Business at Assiniboine, will draw from his academic background in strategic studies and his Canadian Army service as a trainer in Ukraine to present on the implications of the election on global security, especially concerning NATO and Ukraine.

“The American presidential election may seem a far away on our newsfeeds, but no matter the outcome it will have a real impact on Canadians here in Manitoba and around the world,” said Hunt. “We’re excited to bring Assiniboine and BU together to apply knowledge in service of Manitobans.” 

Brandon University logo

Jess Giesbrecht, a current BU Political Science student and President of the BU Politics Club, will moderate the event, with assistance by Kelly Saunders from the Department of Political Science.

The evening will also include opportunities for questions and answers from the public as well as mingling and refreshments.

“We’re delighted to have such strong representation from BU and Assiniboine College to be able to look at this election from so many angles that are both interesting and meaningful for us, right here in western Manitoba,” Saunders said. “We see so much election discussion in the media, and I’m often asked, ‘why does this matter here?’ Tuesday’s panel is going to be a fun and informative way to find out.”


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