Voluntary Withdrawal deadline extended to Wednesday, Nov. 25

This article is over 3 years old.

Brandon University has extended the deadline for Voluntary Withdrawal from the current Fall 2020 term to Wednesday, Nov. 25.

The two-day extension reflects ongoing and intermittent network outages that have affected students’ ability to submit their withdrawal.

If you determine it is best not to continue in a course at this time, you must officially withdraw by the deadline in order to avoid academic penalty. If you stop participating in a class but do not formally withdraw, you will receive a grade in the course that will count towards your GPA, so it is important to go through the withdrawal steps! 

You can withdraw from courses using the online registration system (https://liszt.brandonu.ca/BUOnline/BUStart/Logon.aspx) until 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 25. If you have any challenges using the online system to withdraw, please contact Financial & Registration Services (finreg@brandonu.ca) for assistance. 

Courses from which you withdraw will stay on your transcript, but you will not receive a grade for them. The notation VW (Voluntary Withdrawal) will appear on your transcript instead. 


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