Journal of Rural and Community Development releases new issue

This article is over 7 years old.

The Journal of Rural and Community Development (JRCD) is pleased to announce the release of Volume 13, Issue 1. This is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication that is available at:

This edition includes five articles and three case studies, including looks at the lack of unionized workers in rural Alberta, ecotourism and sustainable rural development in Costa Rica, and forest-based businesses adjacent to public lands in the United States.

Please see the Archives to also access previous issues, including the recent special issue entitled “Communities and New Development Paths in the Sparsely Populated North.” This 14-article double issue was organized by Doris Carson, Patrick Brouder, and Suzanne la Barre. They have provided a guest editorial to introduce this special issue which is of vital importance to researchers in remote regions.

We would like to thank the Editorial Board, Editorial Assistants, Copy Editors, Reviewers, and Brandon University for the support and energy they bring to the JRCD. This support includes the efforts of IT services at Brandon University who assist the JRCD in administering the web platform.

The JRCD also gratefully acknowledges funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) through their ‘Aid to Scholarly Publications’ programme. We secured renewed SSHRC funding for 2015-18. A one-year extension, through to 2019, was recently granted as SSHRC evaluates this granting program. This funding is central to improving the review and publication process, marketing the JRCD, and ensuring an open access publication venue for rural and community development studies.

The JRCD is published by the Rural Development Institute (RDI) at Brandon University. RDI was established in 1989 as an academic research centre and a leading source of information on issues affecting rural communities in western Canada and elsewhere. For more information, please visit:


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