BU Professor Receives Honour in Winnipeg

This article is over 13 years old.


posted January 26, 2012

BRANDON, MB — During a ceremony earlier this week, Mayor Sam Katz presented a City of Winnipeg Community Service Award to Dr. Alison Marshall, Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Brandon University. Her leadership in community service was one of the reasons for this prestigious civic award. This recognition underlines Dr. Marshall’s work as a director of the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre (WCCCC), and her Brandon University- and SSHRC-funded input to Chinese Canadian history in the province and Winnipeg more generally.


“Among all of the things that I have done in my academic career, my research and work with the Chinese community has been the most enjoyable and meaningful,” said Dr. Marshall. “I am deeply honoured to have been recognized for this work.”


Dr. Marshall was a co-manager, in conjunction with Dr. Tina Chen of the University of Manitoba, on a project about the history of the Manitoba Chinese community. For this undertaking, which received a Canadian Historical Recognition Project grant (via WCCCC), Drs. Marshall and Chen digitized, archived and catalogued more than 1,200 documentary, audio, and visual files and images, then submitted them to the University of British Columbia Chinese Canadian Stories Web Portal, which is set to open in March 2012. As well, Dr. Marshall contributed to the book entitled Winnipeg Chinatown: Celebrating 100 Years (A Remarkable Achievement 1909-2009).


“My sincere congratulations go out to Dr. Marshall on this award,” Dr. Scott Grills, Vice President (Academic and Provost).  “Dr. Marshall’s contributions to the preservation and analysis of Manitoba Chinese history are significant and lasting. I am very pleased that her contributions have been recognized by the City of Winnipeg.”



For more information, please contact:


Joanne F. Villeneuve
Brandon University

270 – 18th Street
Brandon, MB  R7A 6A9
Tel. 204-727-9762




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