WestCAST Conference to take place at Brandon University

This article is over 14 years old.

BRANDON, MB — The annual Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching conference will be held at Brandon University next week. The Faculty of Education is hosting the event, which is designed not only for student-teachers, but teacher educators, classroom teachers and administrators. Almost 300 people, from several Western Canadian universities, are expected to attend.

This year’s theme is Teaching and Learning in a Changing World and consequently, sessions will address new concepts of teaching and learning generated by the significant social and technological changes of this millennium’s first decade. Nationally and internationally renowned speakers have been invited to address participants as well as to exchange ideas with them around the theme of innovative education and teacher preparation for changing times. The conference’s theme encompasses the following strands:

• Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
• Technology and Innovation
• The Student Teacher: Strategies for Teaching and Learning
• Sustainability in Education and Development
• Collaborations, Alliances and Partnerships

Among the keynote speakers are Dr. Alec Couros of the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, First Nations’ comedian and author Ian Ross, and Hannah Taylor of The Lady Bug Foundation, who will close the conference the morning of Saturday, February 26. She will focus on “Heart to Head Knowledge: Empowering Students to Make Change”

The WestCAST conference will provide participants with the opportunity to network with each other and share not only the practical aspects of best practices in teaching and learning, but also the latest research in the field.

For more information, contact:

Joanne F. Villeneuve
Brandon University
270 – 18th Street
Brandon, MB R7A 6A9
Tel. 204-727-9762



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